Languages: HTML, CSS, Javascript
Tools: Figma, Vercel
Prerequisites: None
Sign-up to get access to the entire curriculum:
Session 1: Introduction to Web Design and Development
- Overview of web development: from concept to deployment
- Understanding the importance of design in web development
- Introduction to design tools (e.g., Figma, Sketch)
- Setting up the development environment
Session 2: Design Principles and Web UI/UX
- Fundamentals of web design: color theory, typography, layout principles
- Introduction to UI/UX design for web
- Creating wireframes and mockups
- User-centric design and accessibility standards
Session 3: HTML5 and CSS3 Essentials
- Building the structure of web pages with HTML5
- Styling with CSS3: the box model, selectors, and positioning
- Introduction to responsive design and media queries
Session 4: Advanced CSS Techniques