Languages: Python
Prerequisites: Pythoner or equivalent knowledge
Sign-up to get access to the entire curriculum:
Session 1: Introduction to Algorithms and Big O Notation
- Overview of algorithms and their importance in computer science
- Understanding the concept of algorithm efficiency
- Introduction to Big O notation and time complexity analysis
Session 2: Basic Data Structures
- Review of fundamental data structures: Arrays, Linked Lists, Stacks, and Queues
- Implementation and operations on these data structures
- Analyzing the efficiency of operations with Big O notation
Session 3: Sorting Algorithms
- Introduction to basic sorting algorithms: Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort
- Advanced sorting algorithms: Merge Sort, Quick Sort, Heap Sort
- Comparing sorting algorithms in terms of efficiency and stability
Session 4: Searching Algorithms
- Linear search and Binary search techniques
- Analyzing search efficiency
- Applications of searching algorithms in real-world scenarios